Batch Cheats for Perks

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Batch Cheats for Perks

Warning! Running any of these batch scripts will permanently add perks to your character… although that is probably what you want.

This is just various batch files (text files containing several console commands) which I created for my own convenience. Clearly, I enjoy cheating.

To use these you simply need to open the console by pressing [~] (on most systems) and typing any of the commands below

These give all perks related to magazines found in game.
bat AllMagPerks
bat AwesomeTales
bat Barbarian
bat CovertOperations
bat GunsBullets
bat JerkyVendor
bat LaCoiffe
bat LiveLove
bat PicketFences
bat Surgical
bat TeslaScience
bat TumblersToday
bat Unstoppables
bat WastelandSurvival

The CombatPerks batch file only gives you combat related perks
bat CombatPerks
The CraftingPerks batch file only gives you perks related to crafting.
bat CraftingPerks
There are 7 Bobbleheads in the game which simply add 1 to a stat but do not give you a perk. The AllBobbleheadPerks batch file gives you the perks that all the others bestow. The AllCompanionPerks batch gives you all perks obtained from maxing out all companion afinity.
bat AllBobbleheadPerks
bat AllCompanionPerks
The MaxSPECIALs batch file adds all the SPECIALs perks to your player… basically maxes your SPECIALs out at 10. This is because SPECIALs are gained as perks in Fallout 4. You could also use the player.modAV [SPECIAL] [VALUE] cheat to increase your SPECIAL higher. (After testing this I now realize that the distribution of SPECIALs at the beginning of the game do not use Perks and so this script gives you +10 to your origianl stats… not sure what to do about that yet)
The AllSPECIALPerksF/M batch files give you all perks available from the level up menu (some are gender specific, thus the F/M versions of this file).
bat AllSPECIALPerksF
bat AllSPECIALPerksM
The following batch files give you all perks available for any one specific SPECIAL. Again, some perks are gender specific and so I had to make 2 files for those.
bat AllSTRPerks
bat AllPERPerks
bat AllENDPerksF
bat AllENDPerksM
bat AllCHAPerksF
bat AllCHAPerksM
bat AllINTPerks
bat AllAGLPerksF
bat AllAGLPerksM
bat AllLCKPerks
Each of the following batch files gives you all levels to the perk specified by name or by level. For example: bat AGL4Perks or bat MisterSandman gives you all 3 levels of the “Mister Sandman” perk. Once again, some perks are gender specific and so I had to create 2 files for those (i.e. bat Aquagirl (or END5PerksF) and bat Aquaboy (or END5PerksM) are essentially the same perk and if you want to be a male character with the Aquagirl perk, be my guest, it won’t break anything in game as far as I know).
bat IronFist (or STR1Perks)
bat BigLeagues (or STR2Perks)
bat Armorer (or STR3Perks)
bat Blacksmith (or STR4Perks)
bat HeavyGunner (or STR5Perks)
bat StrongBack (or STR6Perks)
bat SteadyAim (or STR7Perks)
bat Basher (or STR8Perks)
bat Rooted (or STR9Perks)
bat PainTrain (or STR10Perks)
bat Pickpocket (or PER1Perks)
bat Rifleman (or PER2Perks)
bat Awareness (or PER3Perks)
bat Locksmith (or PER4Perks)
bat DemolitionExpert (or PER5Perks)
bat NightPerson (or PER6Perks)
bat Refractor (or PER7Perks)
bat Sniper (or PER8Perks)
bat Penetrator (or PER9Perks)
bat ConcentratedFire (or PER10Perks)
bat Toughness (or END1Perks)
bat LeadBelly (or END2Perks)
bat Lifegiver (or END3Perks)
bat ChemResistant (or END4Perks)
bat Aquagirl (or END5PerksF)
bat Aquaboy (or END5PerksM)
bat RadResistant (or END6Perks)
bat AdamantiumSkeleton (or END7Perks)
bat Cannibal (or END8Perks)
bat Ghoulish (or END9Perks)
bat SolarPowered (or END10Perks)
bat CapCollector (or CHA1Perks)
bat BlackWidow (or CHA2PerksF)
bat LadyKiller (or CHA2PerksM)
bat LoneWanderer (or CHA3Perks)
bat AttackDog (or CHA4Perks)
bat AnimalFriend (or CHA5Perks)
bat LocalLeader (or CHA6Perks)
bat PartyGirl (or CHA7PerksF)
bat PartyBoy (or CHA7PerksM)
bat Inspirational (or CHA8Perks)
bat WastelandWhisperer (or CHA9Perks)
bat Intimidation (or CHA10Perks)
bat VANS (or INT1Perks)
bat Medic (or INT2Perks)
bat GunNut (or INT3Perks)
bat Hacker (or INT4Perks)
bat Scrapper (or INT5Perks)
bat Science (or INT6Perks)
bat Chemist (or INT7Perks)
bat RoboticsExpert (or INT8Perks)
bat NuclearPhysicist (or INT9Perks)
bat NerdRage (or INT10Perks)
bat Gunslinger (or AGL1Perks)
bat Commando (or AGL2Perks)
bat Sneak (or AGL3Perks)
bat MisterSandman (or AGL4Perks)
bat ActionGirl (or AGL5PerksF)
bat ActionBoy (or AGL5PerksM)
bat MovingTarget (or AGL6Perks)
bat Ninja (or AGL7Perks)
bat QuickHands (or AGL8Perks)
bat Blitz (or AGL9Perks)
bat GunFu (or AGL10Perks)
bat FortuneFinder (or LCK1Perks)
bat Scrounger (or LCK2Perks)
bat BloodyMess (or LCK3Perks)
bat MysteriousStranger (or LCK4Perks)
bat IdiotSavant (or LCK5Perks)
bat BetterCriticals (or LCK6Perks)
bat CriticalBanker (or LCK7Perks)
bat GrimReapersSprint (or LCK8Perks)
bat FourLeafClover (or LCK9Perks)
bat Ricochet (or LCK10Perks)

Credits: Tommalufe
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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2 Responses

  1. Alex says:

    I need help with mods i have a ps4

  2. Karl says:

    How do u put the cheats in

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