Female Preset for Elder Maxson
Face Ripper based ESP that makes Elder Maxson appear female.
NOTE: Only face and sex are changed, Voice Files are not.
This is a very basic replacer using on of the vanilla presets with some minor customisation, but hair style & colour, eye colour, and so on can be easily changed in the ESP using FO4Edit.
I’ve left the character name as Elder Maxson for this shared file..again, can be changed in FO4Edit if you want to, my own version is ‘Paladin Taggerdy’.
Voice Files remain those of Elder Maxson….this is just a work of a few minutes for story based role-playing, so, as with most other male to female replacers, you need to ‘suspend your disbelief’ and RP at the cost of some ‘gaming immersion deficit’.
Testing: I’ve tested this on a New Save, using console commands to complete ‘Reunions’; move to the roof of the police station; spawn Elder Maxson at my character’s location, and the result was as per screenshots…but I have yet to play test the game ‘normally’.
Depending on load order, should carry forward any other outfit or weapon changes…again, screenshots confirm that the Brotherhood PMC replacer works in my case.
Credit & Thanks
xatmos for ‘Face Ripper’
ElminsterAU and the xEdit Team for ‘FO4Edit’
ThatMrSmile & DeathByKitty for encouragement and ‘a push in the right direction’