HD Reworked Rad X

Fallout 4 Mods |

HD Reworked Rad X

This modification changes Rad X from worse quality to ultra quality with no performance hit. Available in three visual language versions!
This mod is only demonstration of full HDRP modification which release will be soon! If you are curious what it will contain – sure to watch the video above.

This mod took me a hard work, so please respect this and don’t edit anything without my permission. Thanks. 🙂


Was this modification reduces performance?
Definitely not. It’s not type of modification “yeah 4K cups!” or “yessss, 8K WATER!! please make 16K!! :)”.
Mesh is appropriately optimized. And this mod may maximum take up to 2 MB VRAM more than the original (for example, unnecessarily big textures for small and less visible objects/items (diff+norm+spec) in 4K can take up to 50 MB VRAM!!). TIP FOR ALL (especially for those who have less than 3.5GB VRAM): So people, don’t download everything in 4K! You will have little effect at great expense. Only large objects/surfaces are worth it (however not always).

When will be the full 1.0 version of Fallout 4 HD Reworked Project?
I don’t know exactly but it is possible that at the end of February/beginning of March. In short: SOON! 🙂

I have a suggestions for reworked a some item/object.
So no problem, write it in the comments and I’ll think about it. 😉

Manual Installation
Choose version, download archive and extract “Data” folder to “You Fallout 4 game folder”, overwrite. That’s all 🙂

Manual Uninstallation
Go to “(your Fallout 4 game folder)/Data” and delete this files which previously pasted.

Feel free to comment, express you opinions and suggestions, sharing screenshots and videos. 🙂

Check also my other project for Witcher 3:
The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project

Credits: Halk Hogan PL
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