Mister Sandman Unfixed (Sneak Attack Damage Multiplier)

Fallout 4 Mods |

Mister Sandman Unfixed (Sneak Attack Damage Multiplier)

So, the way the sneak attack damage multipliers were applied in the Mister Sandman, Ninja and Cloak & Dagger perks were a bit broken on release (the bonus you ended up with changed depending on the order in which you got the perks). The community fixed it by changing the Ninja perk, thereby ensuring you always got the maximum 6.3x bonus.

Bethesda has apparently decided that was the wrong fix 😉

In the official 1.4 update they’ve instead altered the Mister Sandman perk so now the maximum multiplier is 4.8x

I’ve reverted the perk to it’s pre-1.4 form, so now you can have 6.3x again 😀

And yes I know Bethesda is ‘right’, it’s their game, they know best etc, etc, etc.

You’ll need a mod that fixes the Ninja perk like Ninja fix or Simple Bug Fixes, or else you’ll get the old unreliable bonus stacking problem as before.


My Fallout 4 Mods

Vault-Tec Rep and Sheffield Dialogue Fix
Mister Sandman Unfixed
No Drunk Player Comments
Live and Love 5 – Talk Yourself Sober – Fix
Trigger Rush Fix
Perk Magazine Material Fix
Ghoulish Perk Heals Radiation Damage Too
Companion Fall Damage Immunity
Bobbi’s Terminal Fix (Batch File)
No Enemies or Locations on Compass
Faster Terminal Displays


As there are no official tools for Fallout 4 yet, this plugin/ESP has been made in FO4Edit

So, use at your own risk!


Bethesda for the buggy mess game we all love!
The FO4Edit team for allowing us to fix it!

Credits: Old Nick
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