Fallout 4 Mods |


OLYMPUS ENB is intended to highlight the lighting within the game and improve certain weathers. The scenery, especially at night, is clearly dominated by the light sources which make it look more intense. In the absence of light sources, the darkness seems much more terrifying.

This is the first version. So please report any weird optics that might come up at certain lighting situations and weathers.

Download the archive and extract it to your Fallout 4 game folder
Get the latest FO4 ENB from www.enbdev.com and extract the binaries (DLLs) to your Fallout 4 game folder
Get the VRAMSizeTest from www.enbdev.com, run it and note the RAM it displays
Edit the enblocal.ini and type the RAM size you got before after “VideoMemorySizeMb=”

(not necessary but strongly recommended!)
Fr4nsson’s Light Tweaks
True Storms – Wasteland Edition
Radiant Clouds and Fogs
Darker Nights (Level 5 with vanilla sky)

Boris Vorontsov – Creator of the ENBSeries, www.enbdev.com

Credits: TomDean
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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