4K Battle Armor – Combat Armor Mod

Fallout 4 Mods |

4K Battle Armor – Combat Armor Mod

4k Battle Armor
[Standalone Combat Armor Modification]

Greetings wastelanders

As some of you may know I have been slowly putting together a Battle Armor mod that uses a combination of vanilla assets.
I figured, since it largely uses the Combat Armor meshes that I would release them as a material upgrade for the vanilla combat armor.

For those that are confused, What this does is add NEW textures, it does not overwrite the vanilla ones, but instead of creating a standalone armor, it simply adds the option to “swap” textures in the vanilla armor workbenches.

No Keyword patches needed, works for both male and female, CBBE or vanilla. This is because it doesnt modify any of the meshes.
The new textures will NOT appear on enemies, and the names of your new armor pieces will not change, this is because I did not want to change any of the vanilla records. If this is an issue, you can simply rename the pieces yourself.

This mod will only add textures for the torso, arms and legs. I have not done the helmet as the combat helmet is not being used in my main Battle Armor mod. If this gets enough attention then I will add one but I wont waste my time until I see people actually want it.

Install the same as any other mod.

This mod does not override any vanilla entries and shouldnt have any issues with other mods.
It will work fine with or without AWKCR and Armorsmith, it will also work well with most mods that change combat armor textures.
The only exception is if a mod changes what keywords or ap keywords are used on the vanilla combat armor, which I dont think there are any (AWKCR Adds some but I dont think it removes any defaults).

Credits: Ruddy88
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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