Ammo Retexture

Fallout 4 Mods |

Ammo Retexture

Ammo Retexture

This mod Retextures all Ballistic Ammo boxes and Ammo Except for Missiles and Mini-Nukes.

Real Life Ammo boxes from All Major Ammunition Manufacturers.
There are 2 Versions :
– Prestine for people who want things looking nice.
– Weathered for those who want immersion.

New Textures are in 1024×1024 compared to the old 512×512

Tired of the cartoon looking Ammo boxes in-game ? Not any more your not.

You want Shotgun shells ? We got em!

You also want new Shells ? We got that too !

You want a close up of a .50 Cal ? Here you go :

Changelog :
– 1.0 Initial Release.
– 1.1 Fixed Fomod Installer to include all versions of shotgunshells.

Plans for future updates :
– Change the word Prestine into Pristine lol.
– Better texture for 10mm.
– A super weathered version.
– Changing the shotgun shells to 10 or 12 Gauge.
– Steel case cartridges.

Before you can install this make sure you have done the following:

To enable modding in Fallout 4 you will need to follow instructions below ( if you’ve already done that go straight to the Install Instructions ).
Add the following line to the Fallout4Prefs.ini file below the section marked [Launcher]:
You will need to change the following line in Fallout4.ini:
Install Instructions :
It’s highly recommended to install this using the Nexus Mod Manager.
-Download, Activate, Choose version, Done!

Manual Installation:
Open Ammo Retexture.rar Using Winrar.
Choose a version Prestine or Weathered and open that map
Copy the “data” map of your choosing in your Fallout 4 Main folder.
If you want red shotgunshells instead of the yellow ones copy the “data” map inside of the “Red Shotgunshells” in your Fallout 4 Main folder.

Like this shit ? Check out my other retextures :
Vaultsuit Retexture Male
First Aid Retexture
Water Retexture
Fusion Core Retexture
Mentats Retexture
Intitute Food Packet Retexture
Bobby Pin Box Retexture

Credits: Jorhadoq
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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