
Fallout 4 Mods |


This mod changes how damage is calculated on the engine level of Fallout 4 and turns it into a modern shooter game! In the vanilla game, every hit is calculated against the combined armor you are wearing. It doesn’t matter, if you hit a body part with no armor or a body part which is covered by a big and heavy armor. It always deals the same amount of damage. DirectHit changes that. When you use DirectHit and shoot at a body part, the damage is only calculated against the “natural armor*” and the armor that is equipped on that body part. This mean, shooting at body parts with no armor, will deal more damage, than shooting at body parts covered by metal plates.Say hello again to VATS** to help you to aim at specific body parts!

Power Armor
Power Armor is iconic to the Fallout universe. A one man army. But it never really felt like that. DirectHit also covers Power Armor, optionally and has to be enabled in the ini file. Similar to my other mod Bastion – A Power Armor Overhaul, DirectHit also includes a very very basic version of it, with less features. Body parts covered by Power Armor, will take no damage, until the parts break. Body parts, that are no longer covered by Power Armor Parts are vulnerable to damage.

*Natural Armor: Damage resistance that is present on the race or npc itself. This also includes effects, that add damage resistances, like chems or food buffs.

**The damage shown is VATS is not correct. It still uses the old calculation method from Bethesda. This can also be seen in the showcase below. But its also good to see the difference it will make with this mod.

Recommended Mods

Bastion – A Power Armor Overhaul
Power Armor is now able to absorb and prevent damage. Each armor part will work individually and absorb the damage of the body part it covers. Once the armor parts start to break, you can take damage on the body part that got exposed. Some weapons are also able to penetrate armor and deal damage to the wearer.

Better Locational Damage and Optional Gameplay Overhauls
A realistic damage overhaul with many optional features: Headshots, Bleeding, Pain, Stagger and more. RobCo Patch available, to automatically patch your whole load order and any mods you use! Better Locational Damage – RobCo Patch

Better Explosives Redux
Rebalances the damage, radius and force of explosions. Making them more effective & realistic.
Features the revamped Nuka Quantum Grenade. It works similar to a molotov but more effective and new visuals. Cryo-nades can now deep freeze your target. Pulse grenades are very effective vs robots and can stun Synths. And much more.

Sighted Weapon Accuracy Fix
Aiming you can count on. Say farewell to randomness, achieving reliable shot placement and enhancing your control over aiming accuracy.

Game Configuration Menu
GCM allows you easily set many game settings without the need of additional ESPs or console commands. If you are using the Power Armor Negation option, you can use GCM to tweak the durability of your and enemies Power Armor.

Fatigue – Enhanced Combat Realism
Fatigue – ECR removes the the static aim behavior when using guns. Your character stats influence your gun handling and will improve it, the more you invest in it. The weight of your gun, now slowly drains your Action Points, while aiming and handling the recoil. The lower your Action Points fall, the wobble of your weapon will increase.

In general this mod is compatible with all mods out there.
Some F4SE Mods that are not compatible are listed below

The following mods are NOT compatible:
Better Power Armor Redux (Better Power Armor)
Floating Damage (Floating Damage)
Knockout Framework (Knockout Framework (Death Alternative))

Those mods use a different hooking mechanic and are not compatible. The mod will not work.

Locational Damage
In this gif, you can see, that a normal shot would do about 10% of max health damage. But when the player shoots, the actual shot does >30% damage. Because the raider has no body armor and thus 0 resistance.

Power Armor
When you wear a power armor, the damage you take is prevented by the power armor. Once the power armor parts break, the body parts, that are no longer covered are vulnerable.

Install the requirements:
Manual install, drop the F4SE folder into your Fallout 4 Data folder.

Credits: Zzyxzz
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